•Virtual Villagers 5: New Believers


 •Virtual Villagers 5: New Believers

Virtual Villagers 5: New Believers is the fifth installment of the Virtual Villagers franchise. You select 5 villagers. It takes place in a village of masked "heathens" native to the island. Explorers from the Tree of Life village are captured by the Heathens and must deal with life among these hostile, superstitious people. It is also in the centre of Isola. The explorers try to convert the Heathens by doing helpful tasks such as healing the sick and explaining "God" (the player) to them. Basic tasks such as getting firewood and food are made more complicated by the fact that the Heathens chase the explorers away from resources, requiring ingenious solutions and the occasional intervention of "God" -- you, the player. You also have god powers such as bees, fog and crop grower. You also get a skill of devotion. 
